Bonjour Alyse,
Une amie aux USA a un problème avec la couleur des yeux de son mâle de 7 mois.
Comme je lis régulièrement le forum j'ai pensé que vous pourriez l'aider peut être.
Voici son message :
Well, it seems that my latest litter produced two male kittens that have been the subject of controversy among breeders I have talked too, as well as CFA judges at a recent show.
The litter was born to a white odd eye sire and a seal mink dam. Eye color of the sire ... gold and blue. Eye color of the dam, aqua.
In this litter I had two identical male odd eye kittens. The issue is the "color" of the odd eyes. They are not gold and blue ..... they are aqua and blue. very clearly aqua and blue. The blue eye reflects red, the other does not.
My thinking is that the aqua eye comes from the white color masking the mink from the mother of the litter, but I have not found anything in writing to back up my thinking, and I have talked to several breeders who say it is not possible to have one mink and one blue eye. I also had a judge tell me it is not possible. The comments made vary from .. "He is not truly an odd eye" ... to "his other eye will eventually turn gold."
He is now 7.5 months old and they are still the same color.
I have attached pics of him, and also his mother, and sibling sister to show the related eye color.
I am sure there are those who have far more experience and knowledge than I do with the odd eyed. I would love to hear comments and any reading material that can help clarify this issue .... I have another show coming up in a week.
Un des males
La soeur seal mink et blanc
La mère des chatons, seal mink